FS-2101C Communication Driver


FS-2101C communication driver is the driver to communicate with Weighing Indicator controller FS-2101C model of Fine Mechatronics Co., Ltd. in Korea.


1. Read settings


<Figure 1> is read setting example of  FS-2101C communication driver. 

<Figure 1>  Read setting example of  FS-2101C communication driver

Device part of  <Figure 1> input Com Port(COM3), Baud Rate(9600), Parity Bit(0), Data Bit(8), Stop Bit(1) respectively, according to setting of controller.

Also you can input 'request communication mode' (0 = stream mode, 1 = command(request) mode, default : 1) and 'F34 setting status'(0 = don't set, 1 = set, default : 0)  by using option part.


FS-2101C controller can set baud rate, parity bit, data bit, stop bit by using front panel switch.


FS-2101C communication driver¡¯s read schedule

Read schedule setting parameters are as follows:

1) Station – Controller station number = 0 ~ 99.

2) Read Command – Command = T, KT, G,N, Z, P, ST, GT, STC, GTC, PN, PS, DB, FA, BU, OP, EM, CD, DT, TI  ( Refer to <Table 1>, default = R command )

3) Read Start Address Don't care.

4) Save start address for Communication Server – Saving start address of Communication Server.

5) Read Size – Fixed to 1. ( Refer to <Table 1> )


Note) If you set 'stream mode' at FS-2101C controller, your 'read schedule' input only one line. ( it needed only 'read start address' element)


Read schedule example 1) - when stream mode, save readed data from 0 memory address

READ, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,


Read schedule example 2) - when command(request) mode

READ, 0, R, 0, 0, 1,             
READ, 0, DT, 0, 4, 1,
READ, 0, TI, 0, 7, 1,
READ, 0, PN, 0, 10, 1,
READ, 0, CD, 0, 11, 1,
READ, 0, ST, 0, 12, 1,
READ, 0, GT, 0, 15, 1,


<Table 1> is read commands and data saving address of FS-2101C communication driver.

Read Command

Data Saving Address

Contents Saving Value Remarks
R Start Add + 0 Read of weight Weight WORD, DWORD, FLOAT
Start Add + 1 Content of header 1

1 : Over Load (OL)

2 : Under Load (UL)

3 : Stable of weight (ST)

4 : Unstable of weight (US)

0 : other

save at WORD memory

Stream mode or 
R read command
of Command mode
Start Add + 2 Content of header 2

1 : Net Weight Mode : NT

2 : Gross Weight Mode : GS

0 : other

Start Add + 3 Unit

1 : kg

2 :  t

3 : lb

4 :  g

0 : other

DT Start Add + 0 ~ 2 Read of date year(2digit), month, day save at  WORD, DWORD, FLOAT
TI Start Add + 0 ~ 2 Read of time hour, minute, second
PN Start Add + 0 Iitem number read Item number
CD Start Add + 0 Code number read Code number
ST Start Add + 0 ~ 2 Sub total read item no., count, weight
GT Start Add + 0 ~ 1 Gloss total read count, weight
EN Start Add + 0 Last weight Weight
PS Start Add + 0 Setting Set value
DB Start Add + 0 Low provision Low provision value
BU Start Add + 0 High provision High provision value
FA Start Add + 0 Fall read Fall value
<Table 1> Read commands and data saving address of FS-2101C communication driver

 If you click the icon  in protocol option part, you can see the dialogue box such as <Figure 2>. you can also set read schedule by using this part.

<Figure 2> Example of  FS-2101C communication driver¡¯s Option dialogue box


You can set read schedule by using , , button and listbox of <Figure 2>. 

Request communication mode and F34 setting status can set by using the part of ¡®Request Communication Mode' and "F34 = 01(Start Code = STX)' shown in <Figure 2>.

<Figure 3> Example of  FS-2101C communication driver¡¯s read schedule Add/Edit dialogue box

When you click Add button or Edit button in dialogue box of <Figure 2>, dialogue box of <Figure 3> is shown.


2. Writing settings

You can set item number, code number, etc by using write settings.


Digital Write

Digital write and analog write have the same setting parameters except output value. 


Analog Write

Analog write setting parameters are as follows:

1)  PORT                   Port no. (0 ~ 255)

2)  STATION             Controller station number = 0 ~ 99.

3)  ADDRESS          Setting year or hour when DT, TI write command. (decimal unit)

4)  Extra1                   Write command = T, KT, G,N, Z, P, ST, GT, STC, GTC, PN, PS, DB, FA, BU, OP, EM, CD, DT, TI. ( Refer to <Table 2> )

5)  Extra2                   Setting month or minute when DT, TI write command. (decimal unit)

Command(Extra1) Contents Station Address Extra2 Output Value
GTC Reset of gross total Station number
(0 ~ 99)
Don't care Don't care Don't care
STC Reset of sub total
TI Setting of time Setting hour(decimal) Setting minute(decimal) Setting second(decimal)
DT Setting of date Setting year(decimal) Setting month(decimal) Setting day(decimal)
CD Setting of code number Don't care Don't care Code number (6digit decimal)
PN Setting of item number Item number (2digit decimal)
KT Press ¡®Key container¡¯ key Weight (6digit decimal)
GT  ¡®Gross total¡¯ key Don't care
ST  'Sub total¡¯ key
OP  Start signal
EM  End signal
P  'Print¡¯ key
Z  'Zero¡¯ key
N ' Net weight¡¯ key
G  'Gross weight¡¯ key
T ¡®Container¡¯ key
PS Target weight Target weight / High supply limit value
(6digit decimal)
BU High supply limit
DB Low supply limit Low supply limit / Setting of fall  value
(4digit decimal)
FA Setting of fall
<Table 2> Write commands and each setting parameter range of FS-2101C communication driver

Write example 1)

PORT : 0   STATION : 0   ADDRESS : 0000  EXTRA1 : PN  EXTRA2 : 0

The setting parameter shown above is a setting example of item number for 0 station number's FS-2101C controller.


Write example 2)

PORT : 0   STATION : 0   ADDRESS : 0000  EXTRA1 : CD  EXTRA2 : 0

The setting parameter shown above is a setting example of code number for 0 station number's FS-2101C controller.


3. connection of communication cable and main power

 Connection of main power and communication cable are as follows.


Connection of communication cable

Please connect FS-2101C controller¡¯s  TXD, RXD, GND connector and RS-232C connector of computer respectively.


Connection of main power

Please connect 100-240V AC power to main power connector of FS-2101C controller.

<Figure 4> is appearance of  FS-2101C controller.

<Figure 4> Appearance of  FS-2101C controller